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Wiltshire Golden Wedding Singing Waiters

In Wiltshire Golden Wedding Singing Waiters Peter and Elizabeth provided the entertainment.
It’s not always obvious to know how to make a special occasion a special event! However this was definitely achieved for a Wiltshire couple last weekend who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
Ken Cooper came up with three core ingredients which made a Saturday lunch a very special event. Firstly he booked “The Old Bell “in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. The Old Bell is England’s oldest hotel which serves simply wonderful food.
Secondly, The Wiltshire Golden Wedding Singing Waiters pretended to be part of the real venues waiting team before suddenly bursting into song during the dessert course.
Thirdly, they entertained guests with their regular popular musical set they were able to include Mrs Cooper’s all time favourite song, three times a lady by Lionel Richie and The Commodores.
Mr Cooper said :

My wife and I would like to express our appreciation for the excellent contribution your colleagues made to our celebration 50th anniversary. Their efforts in assisting the waiting staff were very much appreciated but when they broke into song the effect was quite magical. The choice of music was entirely appropriate and their voices and personality totally suited their performance. It was a most wonderful surprise to my wife and our guests.

Many Thanks and our very best regards.

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