Somerset singing waiters. More and more brides and grooms are looking to add that something special, that something a bit different to their big day.
The was defiantly achieved last weekend when bride and groom Lisa and Shaun tied the knot! Firstly and foremost they choose a very special venue, Coombe Lodge. Coombe Lodge wonderful wedding venue which is nestled in the heart of Somerset.
They also chose 1st call entertainment’s Somerset singing waiters Peter and Clare. The Singing Waiters were there to surprise the guests during the wedding breakfast with their popular and infectious musical set!
Everyone certainly enjoyed the big surprise and the bride herself sent us these kind words for the premier Somerset singing waiters.
“You guys were amazing, thank you for adding another level to our day and being such a complete surprise. “
We wish the lovely bride and groom, Lisa and Shaun, every possible happiness for the future.